Frame Hydraulic Forging Press

  • Open die Hydraulic Forging Press for aluminium alloy forging
Open die Hydraulic Forging Press for aluminium alloy forging

Open die Hydraulic Forging Press for aluminum alloy forging

  • Max Feeding size: Open die Hydraulic Forging Press
  • Power:
  • Capacity:
  • Product description: The Open die Hydraulic Forging Press for Aluminum alloy forging from DAYI heavy forging technology is specially designed for the forging process of aluminum alloys in a heated state. The press can produce products of various simple configurations -round, rectangular forgings in plan, rods.


The Open die Hydraulic Forging Press for aluminium alloy forging from DAYI heavy forging technology is designed for forging of forgings,die forgings from aluminum alloys in a heated state. The press can produce products of various simple configurations -round,rectangular forgings in plan,rods.

60MN open die hydraulic forging press


This open die press machine mainly used for the production of large-section die steel products and the forging process of round rod and module forgings. The cluster is equipped with a complete set of mechanized auxiliary devices, and can also complete the production of various kinds of shaft, rod, plate, cake, ring and square billet forgings. It is suitable for the production of round rod and module of forging die steel, machine tools, engines and axles, marine engineering, construction machinery and other products. In addition, it can also complete the lengthen, upsetting, punching (reaming), mandrel lengthen, torsion, bending, misdisplacement, cutting and other free forging processes.


  • High stroke frequency

  • Energy-efficient drive technology

  • Maintenance-friendly hydraulics

  • User-friendly control for highest precision

  • Simulation program for optimized processes


NO.Parameter name/Parameter Value/Units of  measurement/
1Basic parameters/

1.1Working fluid/Oil
1.2Nominal specified pressing force/10÷60MN
1.3Working table dimensions,not less than/


2.1Slider(or traverse)stroke3000 mm
2.2Slider(or traverse)movement accuracy in height±1mm
2.3Allowable skew(misalignment)of the slider  (movable  traverse)0,5mm/running metre
2.4Maximum distance between the table and the slider(movable traverse)5500mm
2.5Allowable eccentricity at maximum force/200mm
2.6Allowable eccentricity at force of 20MN/450mm
2.7Press speed parameters in forging and die-forging (stamping)mode must be smoothly adjustable

from 10%to maximum speed 100%
Maximum speed of a slider(adjustable speed)
2.7.1during going down (idling stroke)300 mm/sec
2.7.2during the working stroke with maximum force(should be set)/90 mm/sec
2.7.3during the working stroke with minimum force (should be set)/180mm/sec
2.7.4during going up/300mm/sec

3.1Stroke of the table in one direction from the middle of the press/6000(towards the tools heating furnace) mm
3.2Maximum speed of table movement/250mm/sec
3.3Table movement accuracy/±1mm
3.4Number of fixed table positions (fixing device)/3pcs
3.5Number of side ejectors/1/(from the exit side of the table) pcs
3.6Number of central ejectors/1pcs
3.7Number of tooling magazine positions(without tools heating)/()4pcs
3.8Ejector stroke/1200mm
3.9Max.adjustable ejector speed/200mm/sec
3.10 Ejector force/250ton
4Forging parameters/

4.1Target speed parameters:/

4.1.1Working stroke speed of the press for forging with three cylinders(forging in the range of 45-60 MN)/45-120mm/sec
4.1.2Working stroke speed of the press for forging with two cylinders(forging in the range of 30-45 MN)/150min/sec
4.1.3Working stroke speed of the press for forging with one cylinder(forging in the range of 15-30 MN)/(15-30MN)180mm/sec
4.1.4Speed of return stroke/200mm/sec
4.1.5Movement speed of moving table/10-250mm/sec
4.1.6Movement speed of tooling magazine/10-250mm/sec
4.2Forging accuracy

4.2.1Forging accuracy along the X/Y axes of forging blank (measured hot between two forged ends of blank)±1,0mm


Can be customized according to customer requirements.

Delivery date and quality assurance policy:

       Delivery time: 3-6 months.

      Warranty period: 12 months
